Seeking reputation and position through worship; ostentation
Blameworthiness of ostentation
Ostentation is forbidden and the one who shows off in worship is disliked by God; ﴾So woe to the worshipers ◌ Who are neglectful of their prayers ◌ Those who want to be seen﴿ (Quran 107: 4-6). God also reveals: ﴾Those that lay plots of evil- for them is a penalty terrible; and the plotting of such people will be void (of result)﴿ (Quran 35:10). Imam Mujāhid said: “Those intended by this verse are those who are ostentatious’. ﴾We feed you for the Countenance of God alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks﴿ (Quran 76:9). So God praises those who are sincere seeking nothing but His Countenance, God also reveals: ﴾whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner﴿ (Quran 18:110). The Prophet (pbuh)said: “Whoever shows off, God will allow him to be seen, and whoever acts to be spoken off will have (the reality of) his actions exposed”. He also said: “The thing I most fear for you is lesser polytheism’, the companions y asked: ‘what is lesser polytheism O Messenger of God (pbuh)?’ he answered: ‘Ostentation. God will say on the Day of Judgment when He gives His servants their dues: go to those you used to show off to and see if you can find a reward with them”. He (pbuh)also said (in a Sacred Tradition): “God Says: ‘Whoever does an action for Me and in which he associates other than Me, I leave it all to him and I Am free of it, I Am without any need of associates”. The Prophet ى counted amongst the seven types of people who will be shaded under God’s Throne: “A person who gives charity with his right and almost hides it from his left”.