70.00 جنية

Selected chapters from: The Ray of Light from the Revival of the Religious Sciences – Chapter on The Blameworthiness Of Seeking a Position of Influence and Ostentation

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978-9948-15-361-0 12cm*17cm 0.07 118 ,

Seeking reputation and position through worship; ostentation

Blameworthiness of ostentation

Ostentation is forbidden and the one who shows off in worship is disliked by God; ﴾So woe to the worshipers ◌ Who are neglectful of their prayers ◌ Those who want to be seen﴿ (Quran 107: 4-6).  God also reveals: ﴾Those that lay plots of evil- for them is a penalty terrible; and the plotting of such people will be void (of result)﴿ (Quran 35:10). Imam Mujāhid said: “Those intended by this verse are those who are ostentatious’. ﴾We feed you for  the Countenance of God alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks﴿ (Quran 76:9). So God praises those who are sincere seeking nothing but His Countenance, God also reveals: ﴾whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner﴿ (Quran 18:110). The Prophet (pbuh)said: “Whoever shows off, God will allow him to be seen, and whoever acts to be spoken off will have (the reality of) his actions exposed”. He also said: “The thing I most fear for you is lesser polytheism’, the companions y asked: ‘what is lesser polytheism O Messenger of God (pbuh)?’ he answered: ‘Ostentation. God will say on the Day of Judgment when He gives His servants their dues: go to those you used to show off to and see if you can find a reward with them”. He (pbuh)also said (in a Sacred Tradition): “God Says: ‘Whoever does an action for Me and in which he associates other than Me, I leave it all to him and I Am free of it, I Am without any need of associates”.  The Prophet ى counted amongst the seven types of people who will be shaded under God’s Throne: “A person who gives charity with his right and almost hides it from his left”.

الوزن 0.07 كيلوجرام

عدد الصفحات


تاريخ النشر

7/7/1905 0:00




تعرف على المؤلف

"الحبيب عمر بن محمد بن سالم بن حفيظ داعية إسلامي ورئيس دار المصطفى للدراسات الإسلامية بتريم، حضرموت. وهو عضو المجلس الاستشاري الأعلى لمؤسسة طابة للأبحاث والدراسات الإسلامية. ينتسب إلى آل بيت رسول الله محمد من أسرة السادة آل باعلوي الحضرمية الهاشمية. يعتبر من أبرز علماء العالم الإسلامي، حيث وصل تأثير دعوته إلى جميع الأقطار في جنوب شرق آسيا وشرق أفريقيا وأوروبا وأمريكا. وللحبيب عمر بن حفيظ العديد من الكتب والإصدارات، لعل أبرزها، كتاب (الذخيرة المشرفة) الذي تُرجِم إلى عدة لغات، وكتاب (خلاصة المدد النبوي في الأذكار)، وكتاب (الضياء اللامع بذكر مولد النبي الشافع)، وكتاب (قبس النور المبين من احياء علوم الدين) كما ان للحبيب العديد من الدروس الصوتية والمرئية وبرامج تلفزيونية على القنوات الفضائية العربية. كما شارك في العديد من المؤتمرات والمناظرات الوطنية والدولية، كالمؤتمر الثاني عشر لمجمع البحوث الإسلامية بالقاهرة سنة 2002، و ملتقى العلماء العالمي في ماليزيا سنة 2003، و مؤتمر الحوار الإسلامي المسيحي في جامعة كمبريدج في بريطانيا سنة 2008 وغيرها من المؤتمرات."

كتب لنفس الكاتب

Seeking reputation and position through worship; ostentation

Blameworthiness of ostentation

Ostentation is forbidden and the one who shows off in worship is disliked by God; ﴾So woe to the worshipers ◌ Who are neglectful of their prayers ◌ Those who want to be seen﴿ (Quran 107: 4-6).  God also reveals: ﴾Those that lay plots of evil- for them is a penalty terrible; and the plotting of such people will be void (of result)﴿ (Quran 35:10). Imam Mujāhid said: “Those intended by this verse are those who are ostentatious’. ﴾We feed you for  the Countenance of God alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks﴿ (Quran 76:9). So God praises those who are sincere seeking nothing but His Countenance, God also reveals: ﴾whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner﴿ (Quran 18:110). The Prophet (pbuh)said: “Whoever shows off, God will allow him to be seen, and whoever acts to be spoken off will have (the reality of) his actions exposed”. He also said: “The thing I most fear for you is lesser polytheism’, the companions y asked: ‘what is lesser polytheism O Messenger of God (pbuh)?’ he answered: ‘Ostentation. God will say on the Day of Judgment when He gives His servants their dues: go to those you used to show off to and see if you can find a reward with them”. He (pbuh)also said (in a Sacred Tradition): “God Says: ‘Whoever does an action for Me and in which he associates other than Me, I leave it all to him and I Am free of it, I Am without any need of associates”.  The Prophet ى counted amongst the seven types of people who will be shaded under God’s Throne: “A person who gives charity with his right and almost hides it from his left”.

الوزن 0.07 كيلوجرام

عدد الصفحات


تاريخ النشر

7/7/1905 0:00




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